If you have bad credit or don’t have any credit at all, but wish to improve your credit score, Aspire will be a good card for you. The following characteristics both cards possess: It is very important to be good at managing your credit in order to always keep the process healthy. You can obtain a loan with a good credit rating at normal interest rates in a few easy steps if you have a good credit rating.
Information About Fees
Monthly fees apply after the first year ($5-12.50/month for Aspire credit card and $6.25/month for Total Visa credit card).
- The Total Visa credit card does not allow transfers or transactions abroad.
- The Total Visa credit card has a fee to increase your credit limit.
- The Total Visa credit card has a flat annual fee of $75 for the first year, while the Aspire credit card has an annual fee of $49 to $175 for the first year.
- Compared to the Total Visa credit card (which has a maximum credit limit of $300), the Aspire credit card offers a much higher initial credit limit.
- There is a possibility of a lower APR with the Aspire credit card than with the Total Visa credit card (which has an APR of 34.99%).
- The Total Visa credit card has an $89 program fee, while the Aspire credit card has no fee.
- For the first year, there is no cash advance fee on the Total Visa credit card (whereas the Aspire card has a 5% transaction fee).
- Most of these differences represent the advantages of the Aspire credit card over the Total Visa credit card. Unless you intend to make frequent cash advances, the Aspire credit card is probably the best option on the market.